The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Spring Term 2 (2023 - 2024)

Spring 2, Week 2

This week's text was ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ by Julia Donaldson and the children had so much exploring the themed activities in provision. Reception particularly enjoyed playing with the story tuff tray. This week the children have written their own poems, based on their senses at the farm and they have written and hung up WANTED posters around the school to try and catch Hefty Hugh, as he was trying to steal the fine prize cow!


Reception have been fabulous mathematicians this week, comparing numbers using the vocabulary of more than, less than, the same and have even begun to consecutive and non-consecutive numbers!


We have also had a wonderful week, looking forward to the exciting celebrations this time of year has such as St David’s Day and Lent, as we get ready for Easter. The children have absolutely adored learning about St David and have enjoyed making daffodils, writing cookbooks on how to make a welsh cake, designing and colouring in dragons for St David and so much more!


In RE this week, the children have been learning about Jesus’ 40 days in the desert. We painted a cactus and spoke about how Jesus must have felt being alone and hungry for 40 days!


Thank you for all of the wonderful Easter Hamper donations, handed in on Wednesday – the presents were so generous! How adorable did the children look in their own clothes?!

Spring 2, Week 1

Welcome to Spring Term 2! This term's topic is 'Donaldson's Delights!' where we will be looking at a new Julia Donaldson text each week and the children will have provision and learning linked to this focus text.

This week's text was 'Room on the Broom'. The children have been designing and describing a new wand for the witch, they have been writing a menu for the Dragon and they have been making a love potion as last week was Valentine's Day!

Reception have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the pancake tuff tray, where they have learned all about Shrove Tuesday and used their play and imagination to make their own pancakes through role play. 

 In Maths, the children have begun comparing groups and have used the mathematical language of 'same', 'more', 'less' and 'fewer'.

To celebrate 'Awe and Wonder' week Reception learned about Judaism. The children were introduced to learning about Richard Willstatter and they used flowers to create observational drawings. The children worked so hard on this and created some wonderful art work!