The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


St Patrick


Welcome to St. Patrick's Class Page


We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8: 28

Who was St. Patrick?


St. Patrick was born south of Hadrian's Wall in Britain. He was captured in his teens and taken to Ireland, where he was enslaved for six years. He grew to love the spirit of the Irish, and vowed to return after he escaped. On his return, he made it his mission to bring the Church to Ireland and spread his faith

St. Patrick did a lot to spread the word of God and lead others in their faith. He always had hope that he would make the world a better place.

He often used the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity and that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all three parts of the same thing. 


Christ with me, Christ before me,

Christ behind me, Christ within me,

Christ beneath me, Christ above me,

Christ at my right, Christ at my left,

St. Patrick’s Breastplate

Who will teach your child in Year 3?
Miss Emily Drury

Year 3 Class Teacher

My name is Miss Drury and I have been working at St. Joseph's in Year 3 since September 2022. It is such a privilege to teach the hard-working and resilient children in our school, and watch them grow in their faith with every day that goes by. My favourite thing to do is share a good book with my class – we love reading in Year 3! So far our favourite book is My Dad's a Birdman, it is such a funny story!

When I am not in school, I love to paint and cook for my friends and family.


Key Reminders:

  • Saint Patrick’s homework will be set on a Friday. It could be either English, Maths, Topic or RE. This work will directly relate to what we have covered (or will be covering) in class. This all needs to be completed and handed back in on the following Wednesday via Microsoft Teams. Spellings will also be set on a Friday and will need to be practiced for a test on Thursday. This will be done in a green book, so please ensure this is returned to school every week.
  • PE will happen every Friday - Please come to school in your PE kit.
  • Reading at home is really important for all children. Children will be rewarded with a Reading Point if they read at home five times per week. These points add up to reading awards, which are awarded in Celebration Assembly on Friday.
  • Each week, a child will bring home our class Prayer Bag. Within the bag, you will find a cloth (linked to our Liturgical Season), prayers and religious objects linked to the time of the year. Please use this to pray together as a family.
  • Children are to come to school with a water bottle every day.
  • As your child is now in KS2 they are no longer entitled to free fruit, therefore please pack a snack (fruit or vegetable only) for your child to eat at break time.


What is it like to be a child in Year 3 at St Joseph's?


When your child reaches Year 3, they are in their first year of Key Stage 2. Even though we are the youngest in our Key Stage, it does not hinder us from showcasing our high expectations and having the confidence to be the best we can be!


The children continue to grow in their faith by embedding Catholic Social Teaching in everything they do. This is rooted in the scripture. Children have shown that they are part of a community who lifts each other up (Community and Participation). This is supported by planning our Macmillan Coffee Morning for the school and wider community.


My hope for the children within my class is for each child to feel confident, happy and REACH through faith, hope and love. The children work incredibly hard throughout the school day, following a similar timetable every day. This includes:

Guided Reading, Maths, Spellings, Liturgical Prayer, Writing, Maths on Track and Topic work.


The children in Year 3 are exposed to the teachings of Jesus through a range of subjects such as Religious Education; Relationships and Health Education (RHE); Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education and GREAT DREAMs. We teach children to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and show love to all those around them.

Here's what previous classes have thought about St. Patrick's Class!


Kian – I like the maths, especially when we learn about time.

Emilia – I enjoyed when we did Geography, creating a key and our own map of Europe.

Isabelle – I liked doing our REACH activity, which was playground games. I liked how we all got to play different games as a class.

Hebe – I really liked French when we were learning different types of fruit and I also liked kenning poems.

Finlay – I liked doing the bunting for the coronation. I loved sharing my ideas with everyone.

Olive – I like when we did French and learned about fruits. I also liked acting out being advisors to the emperor Claudius.  

Millie – I liked when we looked at numbers up to 1000 and when we did some drama about forgiveness.

Marmaduke – I liked history when we looked at the Romans. My favourite thing I did was write a letter to the BBC.

Edward – I loved cricket and playing matches with my friends.

Oliver – I have liked doing RE and looking at how people recognised Jesus.

Henry – I liked racing with other schools in cross country.


 How do I contact my child's teacher?


I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have throughout the year. You can find me on the playground at the end of the day. I am always happy to help!


For more up to date information about what we are doing in St. Patrick's class you can find our Class Blog here.


What do the current Year 3s think about being in St. Patrick's Class?
Tristan - I like that we do more challenging work in Year 3.
Poppy B - I like that we have a new classroom and we're not sitting on the carpet anymore.
Freya - We have new teachers, classrooms and books.
Poppy P - More children have joined our class and we have more friends.
Jemima - I like the new way we do things. We have special orders.
Frank - I like how we have new priviledges.
Henry - I love breaktimes.
Zack - It is exciting that we are in Key Stage 2.
Winnie - We have more fun because we do brain breaks.
Edith - There are more things available to us to be part of like chaplaincy!