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Anxiety in young children

Anxiety in young children
If your child is struggling with anxiety, help them to stay CALM:
Calm down breathing – Breath in for 3 seconds, Hold for 3 seconds and Breath out for 3 seconds (TIP – use your index finger to create the triangle on your hand). Do this when you start to feel your breathing getting quicker or your brain starting to tingle)
Activity – Try running on the spot, around the garden, trampoline, cycling, walking or any sport you enjoy!
Let it go – Breath out your worries using colours – (close your eyes picture your anxiety as a colour – what colour is it? Close your eyes again and picture what colour calm might be. Then breath out the colour of your anxiety and breath in your calm colour – Now use the worry tree to think about what to do with your worry. Mind full of positive thoughts – Remember to think of any good things that have happened in the day – maybe you had saw somebody you haven’t seen for a while, heard something funny or if I showed kindness towards somebody else.
Mind full of positive thoughts – Remember to think of any good things that have happened in the day – maybe you had saw somebody you haven’t seen for a while, heard something funny or if I showed kindness towards somebody else.