The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


PSHE and Citizenship

Overview of PSHE for each year group

Personal, Social and Health Education form part of the National Curriculum. The aim is to help children and young people develop fully as individuals and as members of families and social and economic communities. Although there is a planned approach to the teaching of PSHE, sometimes themes/discssions are based on the experiences and enquiries that are raised by the children.
Mental Health and Wellbeing - Supporting the wellbeing of children
In addition to our PSHE curriculum, at St Joseph's we want to ensure that the children are given additional  time to practice skills that will enable them to actively look after their mental health.
Each class uses a  ‘Wellness Wall’. to promote and guide children to improve their mental health. 

PACE and Restorative Practice - At St Joseph’s, staff  use the P.A.C.E approach to help rebuild and improve children’s self-esteem.  Within all areas of school life, restorative practice has been imbedded to support children when things ‘go wrong’.  Staff are aware of key questions to ask which will support the children to solve conflict and problems in a calm environment to explore what happened without blame or judgement. All staff carry key questions to ask in the event of conflict and support posters are also in the classroom displayed on the ‘Wellness Wall’.