The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


St David

Welcome to Saint David’s Class Page!

“Be joyful, keep the faith, do the little things you have seen me do”.

Words from St David’s last sermon.

Who is St David?

Saint David is the patron saint of Wales. In Welsh, his name is Dewi. He is one of the most celebrated saints in Britain. His feast day is March 1.

Facts about him…

He was born in a storm…St David was born in the year 500, the grandson of Ceredig ap Cunedda, King of Ceredigion. According to legend, his mother St Non gave birth to him on a Pembrokeshire clifftop during a fierce storm. The spot is marked by the ruins of Non’s Chapel and a nearby holy well is said to have healing powers.

He was a fine preacher…St David became a renowned preacher, founding monastic settlements and churches in Wales, Brittany and southwest England – including, possibly, the abbey at Glastonbury. St David reputedly made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, from which he brought back a stone that now sits in an altar at St David’s Cathedral, built on the site of his original monastery.

He was a teetotal vegetarian… St David and his monks followed a simple, austere life. They ploughed the fields by hand, rather than using oxen, and refrained from eating meat or drinking beer. St David himself was reputed to have consumed only leeks and water – which is perhaps why the leek became a national symbol of Wales.

He performed miracles…The most famous miracle associated with St David took place when he was preaching to a large crowd in Llanddewi Brefi.  When people at the back complained that they could not hear him, the ground on which he stood rose up to form a hill. A white dove, sent by God, settled on his shoulder. 

Mrs Jo Knight

Year 6 Teacher

My name is Mrs. Knight, I started teaching in 2007, and I have taught in several schools during my 18-year career. In September 2021, I took up a new and exciting role as Year 6 teacher at St Joseph’s; I have relished the opportunity to teach in a school full of such inspiring children and adults who are always trying to be the best that they can be. I currently teach an empathetic, passionate and confident class of Year 6 children, but during my career, I have taught in every year group across Key Stage Two.

I am an avid reader, keen walker/outdoors explorer with my two children, and adore a great cup of tea (and a slice of cake!), when I am not busy at school.

Mrs Sue Hamlin

Year 6 Teaching Assistant

My name is Sue Hamlin and I've been a KS2 TA for about seven years having completed my training at St Joseph's. My favourite subject is Maths, but I am also partial to writing memory jogging raps! In my spare time, I enjoy canoeing on the Stroudwater Canal and walking my border terrier - Pepper.

Mrs Joanna Beaven

1 to 1 pupil support

My name is Joanna Beaven and I've worked in pupil support at St Joseph's for 6 years. In my spare time I relish being outside in the beautiful countryside around us, often with a camera in hand.
I enjoy a good book, film or trip to the theatre. At home I take as many opportunities as I can to be working on the garden.

Routines in Year 6
  • Saint David’s homework will be set on a Friday, this will include: Spellings (TEAMS) – these will need to be practised at home ready for a test every Thursday. Two other pieces of homework will be set on Teams: Grammar work from (from October half term), and Maths, English or Topic work. This all needs to be completed and submitted/handed back in on the following Wednesday.
  • PE will happen every Tuesday and Friday and the children should come to school wearing their PE kit. They will also have swimming on Tuesday in Term 1 so they will need to be in their PE kit then as well. 
  • Outdoor learning will happen every Friday, so the children will need wellies/waterproof shoes and wet weather gear as we will always try to go our regardless of the weather! 
  • Reading at home is very important for all children especially in Year 6 as it prepares them for the reading that they will face at Secondary school. Children will be rewarded reading points towards our bookworm badges!
  • Each week, a child will bring home our class Prayer Bag. Within the bag, you will find a cloth (linked to our Liturgical Season), prayers and religious objects linked to the time of the year. Please use this to pray together as a family.

What is it like to be a child in Year 6 at St Joseph's?

When your child reaches Year 6, they are in their final year of primary school. In this year memories are made, experiences are had and preparation for a new journey to secondary school begins! As they are the eldest in the school, this also comes with responsibility; they are expected to have consistently high expectations of themselves and be outstanding role models for the rest of the children within our school.

The children continue to grow in their faith by embedding Catholic Social Teaching in their daily lives, rooted in scripture. Children have demonstrated their understanding of Human Dignity at various points throughout the year especially when we covered our topic ‘Equality for All’. During this, we were able to explore a historical topic called ‘Black and British’, and also think about the ‘UN Convention on the Rights of the Child’.

My hopes and wishes for the children within my class is for each child to feel unique, valued and empowered to always be the best they can be, which will enable them to be ready to tackle the challenges of Year 6. The children work incredibly hard throughout the school day, following a similar timetable every day. This includes: Group Reading, Maths, Spellings, Liturgical Prayer, Writing, Maths on Track and afternoon subjects such as History, Geography, PSHE, Art, Music, Science, French, Computing and DT.

The children in Year 6 are exposed to the teachings of Jesus and are taught about how they are all unique but in the image and likeness of God through a range of subjects such as Religious Education; Relationships and Health Education (RHE); Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education and GREAT DREAMs. We teach children how to show love to thy neighbour, showing empathy and kindness to all around them, as Luke 6:31 states, "Do to others as you would have them do to you."

Year 6 is full of many new experiences, activities and privileges, such as: the potential (if voted for) to be House Captain; the opportunity to sit on the benches in the hall (!); the chance to go on  a week long residential; an online workshop with Parliament;  the Gloucestershire Mock Trials; the Knex competition; the Gloucestershire Wildlife quiz; a trip to develop their understanding of safety at Skillzone; a summer time enterprise project; and last but not least, a leavers production complete with costumes, singing, acting and dancing! It truly is an action packed and unforgettable year!

In May, our incredible Year 6 children have the opportunity to complete the SATS. The children complete these for Reading, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG), Maths (Arithmetic and Reasoning). These are used to confirm the assessments Mrs. Knight has made throughout the school year but these do not ‘showcase’ all of the wonderful things that our Year 6 children have achieved throughout their time at St Joseph’s and how they REACH in everything that they do. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to explore our gifts and talents throughout the school year, during activities like the residential and the end of year 6 production. Here children can grow in confidence and develop their resilience which will in turn help them to develop and blossom. 

Blog - the most up-to-date information
Why not have a look at our blog for up to date information about what the class are up to!

How do I contact my child's teacher?

Our relationships with our families is very important to us and we are more than happy to answer any questions/concerns you may have throughout the school year. You can catch me or any of the teachers on the playground after school. We are always happy to help!

What did last year's cohort have to say (2023 - 2024)... 
"In Year 6 you get given opportunities such as house captain and residential" - Alex 
"It's so fun - I love being house captain, our buddies and all the opportunities that we get in year 6" - Orla
"Year 6 is great. The work may be harder but all you have to do is keep trying. Mrs Knight and Mrs Hamlin are lovely and will always help when needed" - Amelia
"In Year 6 I enjoyed going on the beach trip" - Sophia
"I've enjoyed doing our REACH activity (First Aid)" - Harmony
"I have enjoyed everything. But some specific things are Art (where we did graffiti) and RE (Religious Education)" - Elsie
"In year 6 I've enjoyed reading out my house captain speech and being challenged in Maths and all platforms" - Raffy
"I've enjoyed year 6 because we get to learn about multiplication and division and trips!" - Ed
"Year 6 is an endless journey of options. I think that the best thing is the enjoyment of all the activities that there are!" - Cian
What have this years class got to say... (2024 - 2025)


Isla H – This classroom is full or fun and enjoyment; the staff are amazing and you feel very at home, relaxed and happy. I have enjoyed all the lessons – it feels great here.

Lois – I have enjoyed year 6 so far and the pencil cases are great. I am really looking forward to having buddies. I am so excited for residential this year too!

Annabel – Being in year 6 I think will be such an incredible experience. It is so fun to have Mrs. Knight as a teacher. I love having Year 6 privileges.

Maya – I’ve enjoyed having Mrs. Knight as my teacher; she’s fun an kind. We’ve recently been doing ‘lifeslands’. I am excited to have a buddy and I am enjoying seeing my friends. Mrs Knight is probably the funniest and the kindest and the best teacher yet!

Alice – In Year 6 I’ve enjoyed the prospect of having buddies and also the independence we are given.

Rory – I have enjoyed the ‘lifesland’ work and the snapshot pictures. I’m looking forward to residential.

Samuel – I love the privileges and being top of the school.

Grace – I have enjoyed doing our REACH activity (pets and farm hygiene).

Sidney – I’ve really enjoyed my first days of year 6. I’ve enjoyed the snapshot where we had to take a photo of ourselves and say what you’re looking forward to.