The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Summer Term 1 2024

Week beginning 15th April
Mrs Carr blog
What a busy week!!
We have been to Mass, learned about St George's Day, had a go at making joins in DT, investigated light in Science and started a new literacy unit on adventure stories!
I have been really impressed with the children's progress with fractions this week; the progress has been fabulous and it has been really wonderful to see the children grow in confidence with the skills needed. Well done Year 5!!
We have also started a new project in REACH time! We spent a good hour investigating the different Lichen species around the school. This will help us monitor the air quality and help the eco-committee with their air quality project. Phase 1 is finding the lichen! Phase 2 will be creating a map and then identifying the species in the key pollution areas! The children are very excited!
Can't wait to see what we get up to this week!
Week beginning 15th April
By Alice, Theo and Bertie
We have been visited by Childline and the PCSO's this week! Childline was teaching us that we can call them for free and we can talk about ANYTHING to them. We learned the number (08001111) and we learned that we have the right to speak out and stay safe!
The PCSO's taught us how we can stay safe when we are by ourselves and what to do when we get lost. We learned about the PCSO's role and our trust circles. We feel really safe now!
In Geography, we learned about coastal areas are formed by erosion. When the waves hit against the soft rock, it erodes away leaving hard rock behind. This is how bays and headlands are formed! Next week we are going to learn how arches, stacks and stumps are made.
In DT, we learned about triangulation in structures. We really enjoyed cutting out pictures to help us come up with a design for our project. We also had a look around the school to see triangulation in action!
In Maths, we have been looking at adding fractions. We all loved converting between mixed number and improper fractions- they are so fun to switch between!
We would like to share a prayer written by Alice:
Dear Lord,
Please brighten our path,
and help us not be tempted by wrong, 
help us to believe in you like Saint John Bosco,
we will follow your lead to heaven.
You sent your Son to save us,
We will always praise you and your great glory,
We shall follow you.
Week beginning 8th April
Mrs Carr blog
What a wonderful first week I have had in Year 5! I have loved teaching the class again, and the children have absolutely been the best they can be!
We have had a really busy first week back with starting as we mean to go on! All the reading diaries have been checked and updated; reading books issues and guided reading groups sorted. In Maths, we have just finished a unit on measuring and fractions, and we are going to start a new unit on calculating fractions (adding and subtracting with fractions mainly!)
In English, we have started a new unit on biographies and we have so far studied Roald Dahl and Nelson Mandela. 
In Science, we have started revising and building on previous skills about properties of materials. We have reminded ourselves how to build circuits and have used this information to classify materials based on their electrical conductor properties.
In RE, we have started our work on Easter by looking at the Easter vigil service. The children had a go at writing a poem inspired by the Exsultat which were absolutely stunning!
We have also enjoyed making towers out of paper in DT, drawing vectors in ICT, learning pet animal vocabulary in French, and tennis in PE.
Very very busy start but the children have been an absolute joy, and I cam very excited to see what the next weeks bring.