The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Residential 2023 - final day!

Day 5 – Friday
I have uploaded so many images that I think the blog has got overwhelmed so I have created a new one!

Our final day and many people are very sad about leaving but happy to be coming home to family. Lots of packing and getting organised first – the children were brilliant at helping each other to get ready.

After a last delicious breakfast, each group had different activities, these were: obstacle course, zip wire and nature trail. In Group 2 (to complete the obstacle course), they worked as a team and had good technique going through the tyre car wash. Group 3 had the zip wire and conquered all their fears with everybody flying through the air without hesitation. Everyone got two goes as they worked fast and listened to instructions. Group 1 had their favourite instructor (Ebony) and they did Nature Walk learning about all the different trees – by the end, we could all name the trees!

Our final activity was Manor Olympics and all the teachers felt that this was a fabulous one to end with as we were all together! The children ‘wanged’ wellies, pretended to be old people, crawled through legs, won on the lottery and lots of laughs happened!

Many had a fish and chips lunch and then we were off! A mostly event free journey home with a few naps, some drawing, card games and lots of chatter about their favourite activities and how much they were looking forward to seeing family.

I arrived home a very tired but very proud teacher – St David’s class 2023/2024 made us all proud; they were the best that they could be and REACHed all week long.

I hope that you’re enjoying all the washing (!) and that children have a well-earned rest. See you in November!