Week commencing 9th September 2024
Week 2 was another fantastic week in St David’s Class! For many this week our focus has been the house captain elections. The results were very tight and many children were disappointed but everyone showed empathy regardless of the outcome that they received. Mrs Howell’s congratulated them in the hall and I also want to congratulate everyone that stood up and gave a speech showing what it means to REACH in Faith, Hope and Love. Well done to all our captains – I look forward to see you in action.
In Maths, we are working on place value; they have worked hard to be able to order and compare 7 digit numbers. The children are getting much better at explaining their thoughts and reasoning relating to questions thinking of the moto that the answer is only the beginning. We are going to be moving on to decimals next week.
In English, we are just about to start writing our non-chronological report; the children have enjoyed looking at a variety of texts for this. Our main focus is on expanded noun phrases and relative clauses. The children have been working hard to show me that they can confidently recognise and use both of these.
On Friday we met our reception buddies for the first time and got to eat lunch with them too. I was so proud of how well they interacted with them and that they demonstrated our REACH values. We also met one of our new coaches from FGR for PE – he was very impressed with how well the class got stuck into the games and their skills.
Next week we look forward to the School Council speeches!
Week commencing 2nd September 2024
Only a 3-day week but Year 6 have started as they mean to go on REACHing in all areas!
Lots of excitement about the Year 6 privileges – sitting on benches, water bottles at places, pencil cases etc. They have met my high expectations and have started to be excellent role models for the school.
A few activities that we have done this week are: created/completed some aspirational art work for our corridor; written prayers linked to Ladato Si; started our Maths unit relating to place value; looked at non-chronological reports in English; and completed team games in PE – it really has been busy!
I can’t wait for next week – lots of confidence for the house captain speeches!